Butadiene is a global EUR multi-billion market, expected to reach 23.5 billion USA dollars by 2027, with an CAGR at least 3,5%. It means that potential market for the solution is large. The most promising regions for commercialization are: USA, Brazil, China, India, other Southeast Asian countries (present leaders of ethanol production).
Styrene-Butadiene (SBR) , Polybutadiene (BR), Nytrile-Butadiene (NBR) rubbers and Acrilonytrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) plastic producers are potential customers of our end-product. Naphta-based butadiene producers are the direct customers, who would use our catalytic technology in their own existing facilities. Ethanol producers would cooperate with ETB as raw materials suppliers.
We bring the industry a way to shift the production of the most important building block in rubber and plastic industry from fossil-based feedstock to bio-based. Thus, opening a way to bio-based rubbers for tires, plastic for corps and helmets and dozens of other materials used in our everyday products. For ethanol producers it’s a new revenue stream independent from petroleum market which is subsidized and turning to electrical transport year over year.